Guest Lecture on Wisdom of Synthesis
Wisdom drives to the understanding of the essential unity of seemingly diverse elements.There is a natural unity amidst diverse parts ,components and elements.It is essentially One that appears as many.It is one seed that sprouts and grows as a tree with many branches, sub branches, stalks, stems Leaves and flowers. It’s one Sun-ray that details into seven colors, seven planes and seven planets, building a solar system.It is one life that animates many forms. It is one awareness that grades into several states of comprehension. Tracing One in all lead us to the understanding that All is One.
Wisdom helps such tracing and experiencing the the Essential Unity of Existence. Mind divides to understand but there is no such absolute division.To understand the Earth Globe, it is dived by equator which is but imaginary. likewise the longitudes and the latitudes.
There is but One Wisdom be It in the East or the West.Wisdom of Synthesis enables experiencing the diversity, standing in the Synthesis of Unity.
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